VWG Steel Welding Authorisation
About the Course
Steel Welding Authorisation
This programme is designed to facilitate the weld repair of damaged VWG vehicles by VWG Authorised Paint and Body Centres to the correct standards and specifications.
The programme provides and expert service for all VWG Authorised Paint and Body Centres needs in terms of advice, materials, assessment, maintenance, service, personal protection equipment, certification and instruction.
What are the key elements of the programme?
•Measurement of technicians competence in welding and use of correct Personal Protective Equipment.
•Assessment of the Authorised Paint and Body facility and and its equipment relevant to VWG specifications and requirements.
The audit and test procedure are designed so that VWG Authorised Paint and Body technicians are trained and assessed to a competent level for structural steel for VWG vehicles and use the correct Personal Protection Equipment.
All current welding equipment, resistance spot welder, MIG welder, MIG brazer and Dent removal Tool will be audited to ensure they meet the VWG specifiation, are in good working order and are serviced at regular intervals.
What are the benefits of this programme?
Peace of Mind
VWG UK, Insurance companies and the Customer can rest assured that your welding technicians have been tested to the highest automotive welding standards and are using the correct VWG Specified Welding Equipment to repair their vehicles.
Smooth and efficient achievement of VWG stringest requirement for Authorised Paint and Body Centres' annual audit, equipment specifications and technician certification.
How long is the Certificate valid for?
The audit will be carried out bi-annually and each welding technician will be tested and certified to Bristish Standards in MIG welding, Spot welding and MIG brazing, covering thicknessess approriate to the materials used in the construction of VWG vehicles. Each Technician that achieves ALL bodyshop equipment and testing criteria will be awarded an IMI 'Volkswagen Group UK Authorised Steel Welding Technician' certifiate.